On-Site SEO

On Site SEO

How to make On-Site SEO

On-site optimization practice includes unique, trustworthy and authoritative content, fast loading, proper metadata, markup, correct URL and website structure.

Website optimization better carries out to keep in mind search engine algorithms.
So, first things first

In the Article

Website Structure or Website Architecture

What is website architecture or information architecture (IA)? The architecture of the website is the structure of the pages and software. It includes navigation, Internal links (links that go from one page to another and have the same domain), breadcrumbs, category pages, site map files, and so on.

Did you ever think about how to build a logical website structure?
If you have an eCommerce website that earns from selling a product or service, the correct logical structure can be described in one sentence:
A potential client on every single page of the site should see a simple and understandable next step that brings him closer to the conclusion of the transaction.

Work with the structure is one of the SEO techniques that affect the user experiences with the resource and the perception of search robots.
A well-built architecture directs users and bots to important pages, helps them promptly find what they are looking for on the site.

What to check:
– content is structured by topic;
– links and anchors helps people quickly jump to the desired page;
– other important pages are visible outside the navigation.

 Where to start? Analyze and determine:

– check with Google Analytics which pages have the most traffic;
– check which pages are most meet user intent;
– check with which pages users interact longer.

Pages with high rates of these parameters should be more visible on the website.

1. Build hubpages

Hubpages are vitally important overview pages with a common topic that accumulate child categories into one.

Why do we need hubs:

– Make topics in this section clear and transparent.
– Answer the questions that users may wonder.
– Implement links to important subtopics and product categories.

2. Create a SILO Content Structure

Pages hubs are well suited for aggregating similar topics, but it’s better not to limit yourself to this and build content on the SILO system.  Silosing is a structure based on the semantics of content, implying the distribution of topics in a hierarchy.

3. Arrange cross-links

As far as, the architecture hub pages and a SILO content structure were implemented, it is time to take the next step. Settle cross-links for related pages. This is another important point that will lead to increased traffic.

The hub page combines content into a common branch, and the SILO structure is responsible for the distribution within this branch. What to check:

  • navigation, including bread crumbs;
  • contextual links;
  • URL structure.

4. Additional links from authoritative pages to important

When hub pages, SILO content structure, and cross-links are created, you can add more links to landing pages. It could be:

  • any sales page that can be found from the home page;
  • high conversion page inside the SILO structure;
  • any less important page with no links.

Contact us today to help you with on-site SEO

Anna Mikhaylovskaya

Anna Mikhaylovskaya

SEO Specialist at SEO-Care. Anna is a perfectionist and introvert. Her primary expertise are Technical Audit, On-Page SEO, Local SEO.

On-Site SEO
Article Name
On-Site SEO
On-Site SEO the same as On-Page SEO - is it practice includes unique, trustworthy, and authoritative content, fast loading, proper metadata, markup, correct URL, and website structure.
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SEO Care
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